
Medical Category: Endocrine, Metabolic, Fluid, and Electrolytes

REBEL Core Cast 63.0 – Adrenal Crisis

Take Home Points Adrenal insufficiency is a life-threatening emergency; recognize early and treat aggressively Hallmark is hypotension refractory to IVF/pressors Suspect in patients with unexplained hypotension and risk factors Prior glucocorticoid therapy History of autoimmune diseases Hyperpigmentation  AIDS or TB …

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Endocrine, Metabolic, Fluid, and Electrolytes

The BaSICS Trial – Balanced Solution vs 0.9% Saline Solution in Critically Ill Patients

Background: One of the most common treatments in critically ill patients is  the administration of intravenous fluids.  Historically, 0.9% saline has been one of the most common solutions used in resuscitation. In 2015 we saw the publication of the SPLIT …

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Endocrine, Metabolic, Fluid, and Electrolytes

Dexamethasone vs Methylprednisolone in ICU Patients with COVID19

Background Information: Over one year into the pandemic many therapies to treat COVID-19 have targeted innumerable aspects of the virus. Most recently, the use of corticosteroids to treat the virus’ excessive inflammatory effects has become the front and center of …

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Endocrine, Metabolic, Fluid, and ElectrolytesInfectious DiseaseThoracic and Respiratory

The SALSA Trial: Symptomatic Hyponatremia and Hypertonic Saline

Background: Hyponatremia is one of the most common electrolyte abnormalities seen in clinical practice. Under-correction could lead to cerebral edema, whereas overcorrection could result in osmotic demyelination syndrome (ODS).  The current recommendation is to use hypertonic saline in small, fixed, …

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Endocrine, Metabolic, Fluid, and Electrolytes

Pearls from ResusX Rewired 2020

From Oct 6th – 8th, 2020, Haney Mallemat (@CriticalCareNow) and his team put on an absolutely amazing online critical care conference called ResusX Rewired.  ResusX is a conference designed by resuscitationists to provide clinicians with the most up to date …

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CardiovascularEndocrine, Metabolic, Fluid, and ElectrolytesInfectious DiseaseProcedures and SkillsResuscitationThoracic and RespiratoryToxicologyTrauma
