
Author: Salim Rezaie

Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring in Critically Ill Adults?

Background: Patients with shock frequently present with hypotension.  Many of these patients are started on vasopressor and inopressor medications to assist in efforts to normalize blood pressure to help improve organ perfusion. In shocky patients, arterial lines are often used …

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REBEL Cast Ep123: Reduced-Dose Systemic Peripheral Alteplase in Massive PE?

Background: Massive pulmonary embolism  defined as sustained hypotension (SBP <90mmHg)  has a high mortality which is why early recognition and thrombolytic therapy is typically recommended (AHA Class IIA; ESC Class IB) [1]. However, full-dose thrombolytic therapy (Alteplase 100mg (IV) is  associated …

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CardiovascularResuscitationThoracic and Respiratory

Pre-Hospital Antibiotics in Sepsis?

Background: Sepsis remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. It is well-established that earlier recognition and treatment can lead to better outcome for these patients .  Time to antibiotic therapy (from triage, not from onset of infection) has …

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Infectious Disease

CRYOSTAT-2: Early Empiric Cryoprecipitate in Major Trauma

Background: Hemorrhage is the leading cause of trauma related mortality. The initial injury is often complicated by multifactorial coagulopathy that can exacerbate bleeding.  Fibrinogen is the precursor to fibrin and a major component of stable clot formation. Fibrinogen and fibrin …

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Hematology and OncologyTrauma

The SQuID Protocol: SQ Insulin in DKA?

Background: DKA is traditionally treated with fluid resuscitation, electrolyte replacement, and intravenous infusions of insulin. However, it is unclear if all degrees (mild, moderate, severe) of DKA require the same intensive treatment. Mild to moderate DKA represents a subgroup of …

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Endocrine, Metabolic, Fluid, and Electrolytes
