
Tag: Propofol

REBEL Core Cast 112.0 – Awareness During Paralysis

Take Home Points: Dose your RSI meds correctly.  Reach for post-intubation sedation at the same time you are asking for your induction agent and paralytic.   Propofol is a great choice for post-intubation sedation, and if your patient becomes hypotensive do ...

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The MENDS2 Trial: Dexmedetomidine vs Propofol for Sedation

Background: In patients requiring mechanical ventilation, sedative medications are used for patient comfort and safety.  However, these medications can also lead to brain dysfunction (i.e. delirium or coma) and long-term cognitive impairment. Currently, the Society of Critical Are Medicine ...

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Thoracic and Respiratory

Adjunctive Pain Management of Renal Colic and Migraines

Background: Renal colic and migraine headaches are common emergency department presentations.  There are a wide range of medications available to treat pain from these disorders including opioids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Opioids have two major issues: dependency and side effects ...

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NeurologyRenal and Genitourinary

The POKER Trial: Go All in on Ketofol?

Background: Procedural sedation and analgesia is a frequently performed procedure in the emergency department to help facilitate care of patients in an effective manner. Our goal should be to minimize pain and anxiety while minimizing adverse effects. We have discussed ...

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Procedures and Skills
