
Medical Category: Resuscitation

The NICO Trial: NIV in Comatose Patients with Acute Poisoning

Background:  Patients with decreased level of consciousness due to alcohol, drugs, or medications commonly present to the ED. These patients can be at risk of vomiting and aspiration and often prompts clinicians to pursue definitive airway management to avoid pneumonia …

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Non-Invasive Blood Pressure Monitoring in Critically Ill Adults?

Background: Patients with shock frequently present with hypotension.  Many of these patients are started on vasopressor and inopressor medications to assist in efforts to normalize blood pressure to help improve organ perfusion. In shocky patients, arterial lines are often used …

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REBEL Cast Ep123: Reduced-Dose Systemic Peripheral Alteplase in Massive PE?

Background: Massive pulmonary embolism  defined as sustained hypotension (SBP <90mmHg)  has a high mortality which is why early recognition and thrombolytic therapy is typically recommended (AHA Class IIA; ESC Class IB) [1]. However, full-dose thrombolytic therapy (Alteplase 100mg (IV) is  associated …

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CardiovascularResuscitationThoracic and Respiratory

Congestive Heart Failure and Sepsis: A Closer Look at Fluid Management

Background: In medicine, guidelines are valuable tools that help guide care. However, they are not rigid rules that must be strictly followed. Clinicians often find themselves grappling with the challenge of balancing the demands of meeting Center for Medicaid & …

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Infectious DiseaseResuscitation

REBEL Core Cast 112.0 – Awareness During Paralysis

Take Home Points: Dose your RSI meds correctly.  Reach for post-intubation sedation at the same time you are asking for your induction agent and paralytic.   Propofol is a great choice for post-intubation sedation, and if your patient becomes hypotensive do …

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