Paper: Yerke JR et al. Peripheral Administration of Norepinephrine: A Prospective Observational Study. CHEST 2024. PMID: 37611862
Clinical Question: In patients treated in the ICU, can a protocol of peripheral IV catheter vasopressors safely reduce the number of days of CVC use and frequency of placement?
What They Did:
- Prospective, observational, cohort study
- Conducted in medical ICU at a single institution
- Evaluating all adult patients admitted to the medical ICU receiving norepinephrine through a peripheral IV from Feb 2019 through June 2021
Peripheral Norepinephrine Protocol
- 20 to 22G IV above the wrist below the antecubital fossa
- US guided IV (Catheter in the lumen and visualization of flushing with NS)
- Norepinephrine concentration 16mg/250mL D5W
- Maximum dose norepinephrine 15mcg/min
- Peripheral IV assessment q2hrs with blood aspiration
- Extravasation antidotes (SQ phentolamine and nitroglycerin paste) stocked in the unit for extravasation events
- Peripheral IV norepinephrine infusion was limited to 48hrs to limit total number of extravasation events, but due to few extravasation events and no substantial tissue injury, this requirement was removed
- Primary: Number of days of CVC use avoided per patient
- Secondary:
- Incidence of extravasation events
- Number of CVC placements avoided
- Degree of tissue injury caused by each extravasation event
- Adult patients admitted to the medical ICU at the Cleveland Clinic
- Received peripheral norepinephrine during the study period
- Met specific criteria laid out in protocol (SEE PROTOCOL ABOVE)
- Inclusion at discretion of treating physician
- Other vasoactive medications that typically require a CVC for administration were not allowed to be given peripherally in the study
- Not meeting inclusion protocol criteria (SEE PROTOCOL ABOVE)
- 635 patients received peripheral norepinephrine
- 603 patients received norepinephrine via peripheral IV as 1st exposure
- 32 patients transitioned from receiving norepinephrine from CVC to receiving it via peripheral IV to allow CVC removal
- Median maximum peripheral administered norepinephrine dose: 10mcg/min (range 6 to 15)
- 130 patients (20.5%) received peripheral norepinephrine for ≥24 hours
- Infusion duration: 5.8hrs (Range 2 to 19.7hrs)
- Median number of CVC days avoided per patient: 1 (Range 0 to 2d/pt)
- 0f 603 patients who received norepinephrine peripherally, 311 (51.6%) never required CVC insertion
- Extravasation occurred in 35 patients (5.5%):
- 8 events/1000d of peripheral IV infusion (95% CI 52.8 to 105.4 events/1000d of peripheral IV infusion)
- 60% of extravasations caused no or minimal tissue injury (Infiltration grade 0 to 1)
- No patient required surgical intervention
- Protocol Criteria Met:
- 355 patients (55.1%) failed to meet at least one component of the protocol at some point during peripheral IV norepinephrine
- Catheter size: 83.3% (i.e. Not met in 16.7% of cases)
- Catheter location: 66.5% (i.e. Not met in 33.5% of cases)
- Catheter ultrasound confirmation: 49.8% (i.e. Not met in 50.2% of cases)
- Appropriate vasopressor dose: 84.3% (i.e. Not met in 15.7% of cases)
- ≤24hrs vs >24hrs
- Infusion Duration: 3.8hrs vs 42.4hrs
- Max Dose: 10mcg/min vs 10mcg/min
- Extravasation Events: 24 (4.7%) vs 11 (8.7%)
- Extravasation incidence/1000d of Peripheral Infusion: 176.4 vs 33.8
- No Extravasation Event vs Extravasation Event
- Age: 63 vs 67 years
- BMI: 28.3 vs 27.0
- All Catheter Criteria Met: 44.3% vs 54.3%
- Infusion Duration: 5.5hrs vs 13.8hrs
- Protocol adherence and adherence to individual protocol elements were not lower in patients experiencing extravasation
- 355 patients (55.1%) failed to meet at least one component of the protocol at some point during peripheral IV norepinephrine
- Asks a clinically important question
- Largest prospective cohort study of patients receiving peripheral norepinephrine
- Transparent reporting of protocol amendments
- Describes a real world clinical experience of using vasopressors through a peripheral IV
- Patients on substantial norepinephrine doses
- Comprehensive protocol explicitly explained allows other physicians to use in different settings
- Despite rigorous education there was a high rate of protocol deviations (Although most were short-term nonadherence while additional peripheral IVs were being placed)
- Single center trial limits generalization of results to all practice settings
- No comparator group making it difficult to assess all possible benefits and harms of administering norepinephrine through a peripheral IV vs a CVC
- Protocol was not mandatory for all patients which could create a selection bias
- Multiple protocol amendments during the study making it difficult to determine whether similar results would be obtained using any one protocol version (Which components were most important?)
- Potential for selection bias as one of the inclusion criteria was physician discretion
- CVC placement at discretion of clinicians and reasons for placing CVC multifactorial and may have nothing to do with peripheral vasopressors
- There are some key components of the protocol that limited extravasation harms in my opinion:
- Ultrasound to ensure appropriate peripheral IV placement
- Routine line assessment (including aspiration to assess blood return)
- Limiting the maximum dose of norepinephrine to 15mccg/min
- Extravasation bundle
- My extravasation bundle
- If extravasation occurs, stop the infusion and switch it to a different line
- Leave the catheter in place and suck out as much as you can from the catheter
- Use phentolamine or terbutaline (Whichever you have available):
- Phentolamine
- 5mg/mL x2 in 8mL of NS (Max 10mg)
- Inject 5mL through catheter
- Inject remaining 5mL in the SQ tissue (Around the blanching area)
- Unclear what time frame is optimal for re-dosing (Typically wait 1hr)
- Terbutaline
- 1mg/mL in 9mL of NS
- Inject 5mL through catheter
- Inject remaining 5mL in the SQ tissue (Around the blanching area)
- Can repeat every 15min as needed
- Nitroglycerin Paste
- Apply 1inch of paste to affected area
- Can repeat every 8hrs
- Elevate the extremity
- Use warm compresses (Be careful to not burn the skin)
- Phentolamine
Author Conclusion: “This study suggests implementing a protocol for peripheral administration of norepinephrine safely can avoid 1 CVC in the average patient, with 51.6% of patients not requiring CVC insertion. No patient experienced significant ischemic tissue injury with the protocol used. These data support performance of a randomized, prospective, multicenter study to characterize the net benefits of peripheral norepinephrine administration compared with norepinephrine administration through a CVC.”
Clinical Take Home Point: Administration of norepinephrine through a peripheral IV is feasible and may reduce the frequency of CVC insertions without significant extravasation-related harms.
- Yerke JR et al. Peripheral Administration of Norepinephrine: A Prospective Observational Study. CHEST 2024. PMID: 37611862
- Evans L et al. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International Guidelines for Management of Sepsis and Septic Shock 2021. Crit Care Med 2021. PMID: 34599691
For More Thoughts on This Topic Checkout:
- REBEL EM: The Safety and Efficacy of Push Dose Vasopressors in Critically Ill Adults
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- REBEL Cast Ep73: Are Peripheral Vasopressors Safe?
- REBEL EM: Peripheral Vasopressors – Safe or Dangerous?
Post Peer Reviewed By: Anand Swaminathan, MD (Twitter/X: @EMSwami)