
Tag: Intubation

REBEL Cast Ep112: The Pre-AeRATE Trial – HFNC vs NC for RSI

Background: Hypoxemia is a commonly encountered adverse event during rapid sequence intubation (RSI) in the ED.  Critically ill patients in the ED often have a lack of physiologic reserve, decreased cardiac output, increased shunting, and reduced pulmonary reserves.  Therefore, a ...

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The EvK Trial: Ketamine vs Etomidate for Rapid Sequence Intubation

Background: The use of ketamine and etomidate for induction in rapid sequence intubation is heavily debated. The Ketased Trial (Jabre 2009) reported no significant difference between the two induction agents. However, recently the National Emergency Airway Registry reported ketamine is ...

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REBEL Cast Ep111: The PREPARE II Trial – Fluid Bolus Prior to Intubation?

Background:  Some of the feared complications of endotracheal intubation include hypotension, cardiac arrest, and death (cardiovascular collapse).  These complications can result from numerous causes including medication-induced vasodilation and decreased venous return to the heart due to increased intrathoracic pressure from ...

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Procedures and SkillsResuscitation

REBEL Core Cast 59.0 – C-Spine Intubation

Take Home Points Neck movement (both extension and flexion) has the ability to cause cord damage. Using hyperangulated blade in video laryngoscopy improves chances for glottic visualization in patients with a c-collar in place. Ultimately, hypoxemia kills – Intubate the ...

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Procedures and SkillsResuscitation

Dogmalysis: GCS <8, Then Intubate?

In emergency medicine, the standard of care is to place an advanced airway for ventilatory or oxygenation failure, impending airway compromise, or inability to protect the airway. A patient with significant cognitive impairment may have depressed gag and/or cough reflexes, ...

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Procedures and Skills
