
Tag: Dogmalysis

Dogmalysis: GCS <8, Then Intubate?

In emergency medicine, the standard of care is to place an advanced airway for ventilatory or oxygenation failure, impending airway compromise, or inability to protect the airway. A patient with significant cognitive impairment may have depressed gag and/or cough reflexes, ...

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Procedures and Skills

Is Too Much Supplemental O2 Harmful in COPD Exacerbations?

Background: It’s common practice to give carefully titrated supplemental oxygen therapy for patients in COPD exacerbation. We give enough O2 to prevent hypoxemia, but not so much that it causes hypoventilation or dangerous hypercarbia. If you’re like me then you’ve ...

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Thoracic and Respiratory

More Dogma: Epinephrine in Digital Nerve Blocks

You are working as an EM resident and have just evaluated a patient with a right long finger DIP joint dislocation. You perform a digital nerve block with 1% lidocaine with 1:100,000 epinephrine, and go to present to your attending ...

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