Haney Mallemat, MD
Emergency Medicine/Critical Care
Associate Professor
Cooper University Health Care
Twitter: @CriticalCareNow
- Outline the various vasopressors available
- Discuss the clinical situations when to use specific vasopressors
- Dopamine – Pressor looking for an indication
- Phenylephrine – Alpha agonist; Vasoconstriction; Can decrease CO
- Epinephrine – Alpha/Beta agonist; Lower doses Beta > Alpha; Higher doses Alpha > Beta; Can cause arrhythmias and type B lactic acidosis; Consider 1st line in status asthmaticus and anaphylactic shock
- Norepinephrine – Alpha/Beta agonist; Increases arterial/venous tone and can increase pulmonary vascular resistance; Consider 1st line in septic shock
- Vasopressin – V1 receptor agonist; Less likely to increase pulmonary vascular resistance compared to other vasopressors
- Angiotensin II – Very expensive; Not readily available; Studied in sepsis and distributive shock
Post Peer Reviewed By: Salim R. Rezaie, MD (Twitter: @srrezaie)
Cite this article as: Salim Rezaie, "Rebellion21: Vasopressors – When and Why via Haney Mallemat, MD", REBEL EM blog, September 11, 2021. Available at: https://rebelem.com/rebellion21-vasopressors-when-and-why-via-haney-mallemat-md/.