We see thousands of patients a year…we are kind, professional, and get the job done. But every once in a while, perhaps only a couple times a year…there is a patient, or family that we really connect with. There’s no real “science” behind what selects out some people from the flocks of other patients that we see. For me, the story I’m about to share with you is about a patient that I personally connected with. He and his family opened up my eyes about the importance of human connection. He reminded me why we do what we do, and it’s important to learn from the patients’ perspective…that our interaction with them can also leave a long lasting impact.”
Rebellion in EM 2019: The Impact We Have on Patients & The Impact they Have on Us via Salim R. Rezaie, MD
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yh4Rqv1vDik[/embedyt]
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Critical Point #1: Everyone gets jaded, but it is important to remember patients are not just symptoms. Treat others how you would treat your own family.
Critical Point #2: The decision to call a code is multifactorial. Trust your gut and think about all the factors that can affect prognosis before making a decision.
Critical Point #3: Relationships with patients and their families reminds us why the job is so important and it is ok to open up and have those relationships.
Post Peer Reviewed By: Mizuho Morrison, DO (Twitter: @mizuhomorrison)