

RECOVERY Trial: The REGN-COV Antibody Cocktail in COVID19

Background: Antibodies targeted at the SARS-CoV2 spike protein are an essential part of the body’s immune response to COVID19 infection. Infection with SARS-CoV2 stimulates the immune system to produce a polyclonal spike protein antibody response in the host. Vaccines have ...

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Infectious Disease

The RECOVERY Trial: Tocilizumab

Background: Publication of the RECOVERY trial results on Dexamethasone were game changing – the drug had a clear reduction in mortality in patients requiring oxygen. Since then, we have had little to celebrate in terms of therapeutics in those with ...

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Infectious Disease

The RECOVERY Trial: Dexamethasone for COVID-19?

Background: We have been in need of a sign of hope in the fight against SARS-CoV-2 as it runs from city to city overwhelming health systems.  The majority of patients will be either asymptomatic or have only mild disease.  These ...

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Infectious Disease
