Instead of creating a separate podcast, we’ll be bringing you REBEL Crit Cast as part of REBEL Cast. This way, you won’t need to download another podcast.
The format may change over time, and I’d love to know your questions, and ideas for topics so that I can make this as practical and useful to YOU, our audience, as possible.
REBEL Crit Cast Episode 0.0 – The Intro
Click here for Direct Download of Podcast
A Couple of Announcements:
We had been having issues with our listserv on the website and had to change companies:
- Visit the website and click “Subscribe to Rebel EM” on the right hand side of the page
We are Feverishly Planning for Rebellion in EM 2020:
- June 5 – 7th San Antonio, Texas
- Visit
- There is a save the date and contact form
- Registration will open by early 2020
- Only 200 spots available
Introducing a New Component to the REBEL Cast: REBEL Crit Cast
- This is a third part to REBEL Cast
- REBEL Cast = EBM
- REBEL Core Cast = Core Content
- REBEL Crit Cast = Critical Care
- We will be covering critical care and resuscitation topics in pediatric and adult medicine
- Hosted by long-time contributor Dr. Frank Lodeserto, MD
- Adult and Pediatric Intensivist at Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, PA)
- Adult fellowship program director for Adult Intensive Care
- Hope to cover a wide range of topics to assist with the care of your patients
Post Transcribed By: Corinthia Stephanas Gonzales
Post Peer Reviewed By: Salim R. Rezaie, MD (Twitter: @srrezaie)