- Atraumatic TMJ dislocations are typically anterior in nature and can be reduced by a variety of techniques in the ED
- Traumatic TMJ dislocations often involve mandible fractures and typically require open reduction and fixation in the operating room
- Consider using the syringe, gag and extraoral reduction techniques first line as they frequently do not require parenteral analgesics or procedural sedation
Temporomandibular (TMJ) Joint Dislocation
Definition: Displacement of the mandibular condyle from the temporomandibular fossa.
- Anterior dislocations are most common
- Mechanism
- Atraumatic (most common) from extreme mouth opening (yawning, eating, dental procedure, etc).
- Traumatic: superior and posterior dislocations more common in trauma
- TMJ dislocations typically occur bilaterally.
- Diagnosis can be made based on clinical exam alone
- Physical exam
- Inability to close the mouth
- Garbled speech
- Drooling.
- Anterior dislocations: palpation of the TMJ can reveal one or both of the condyles to be anteriorly displaced in front of the articular eminence.
- Imaging (X-ray or CT)
- Helpful when patient has subtle presentation
- Should be obtained in traumatic dislocations as concomitant fracture is common
- Atraumatic TMJ dislocations are typically managed non-operatively with ED reduction
- Supportive Care
- Provide analgesia as needed
- Local anesthestic (2-3cc) can be injected into the TMJ space or directly into the lateral pterygoid muscle
- Consider procedural sedation as muscle spasm often limits success of reduction techniques
- Reduction Techniques
- Gag Technique
- Elicit a gag reflex using a tongue depressor
- This reflex inhibits the muscles of mouth closure, thereby potentially allowing the condyle to move downward past the anterior lip of the mandibular fossa and relocating posteriorly
- Traditional (intraoral)
- Place the patient in an upright seated position
- While facing the patient, place bilateral thumbs (wrapped in gauze) on the inferior molars and the remainder of fingers around the outside of the jaw
- Apply downward and backward pressure to facilitate the condyles from the anterior aspect of the articular eminence
- Have another person hold the patient’s head to prevent movement This can also be done while standing behind and above the patient. You can use your abdomen brace the patient’s head
- Wrist pivot
- While facing the patient, grasp the mandible with both thumbs under the chin and place fingers on the occlusal surfaces of the lower molars
- Apply upward force with the thumbs and downward pressure with the fingers while pivoting the wrist forward
- Force must be equally applied to all sites to prevent fracture.
- Extraoral
- With one hand, grab the mandibular angle with fingers and place the thumb over the malar eminence of the maxilla
- With the other hand, place the thumb just over the displaced coronoid process and fingers behind the mastoid
- Simultaneously pull the mandibular angle forward on one side while pushing the coronoid process on the other causing one if not both TMJs to relocate back in the appropriate position
- Syringe Technique (Gorchynski 2014)
- Place a 5 or 10 cc syringe between the upper and inferior molars of the affected side
- Syringe size is determined by the mouth opening of the patient
- Instruct the patient to roll the syringe back and forth between the teeth, until reduction is achieved
- Gag Technique
- Post-reduction Care
- Advise patient to avoid extreme mouth opening and to eat soft foods for 1 week
- Follow-up with ENT or oral surgery as needed
- Chronic dislocations may require surgical fixation
Take Home Points
- Atraumatic TMJ dislocations are typically anterior in nature and can be reduced by a variety of techniques in the ED
- Traumatic TMJ dislocations often involve mandible fractures and typically require open reduction and fixation in the operating room
- Consider using the syringe, gag and extraoral reduction techniques first line as they frequently do not require parenteral analgesics or procedural sedation
Video Links
Core EM: TMJ Dislocation Reduction Techniques
Read More
ALiEM: Tick of the Trade: Extra-oral reduction technique of anterior mandible dislocation
Amsterdam JT: Oral Medicine, in Marx JA, Hockberger RS, Walls RM, et al (eds): Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, ed 8. St. Louis, Mosby, Inc., 2010, (Ch) 70: p 895-909.
Gorchynski J et al. The “syringe” technique: a hands-free approach for the reduction of acute nontraumatic temporomandibulardislocations in the emergency department. J Emerg Med. 2014; 47(6):676-81. PMID 25278137
Marx JA et al. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, 7 ed. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier, 2010.
Mendez DR et al. Reduction of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dislocations. In: UpToDate, Post TW (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA. (Accessed on April 20, 2016.)
Riviello RJ. Otolaryngologic Procedures. Roberts & Hedges’ Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders, 2014. 6 ed. Ch 63: 1298-1341
Post Peer Reviewed By: Salim R. Rezaie, MD (Twitter/X: @srrezaie)