- Population: Patients with Esophageal Foreign Body Food Impaction ≥18 years of age
- Intervention: Use of Intravenous Glucagon
- Comparison: Placebo
- Outcome: Relief of Food Bolus Obstruction
What We Did:
- A Pubmed search with “glucagon AND esophageal foreign body” as the search terms
- Primary: Relief of Esophageal Obstruction
- Secondary: Adverse Events (nausea/vomiting)
- Studies in English
- Patients Age ≥18 years
- We excluded case reports, case series, and reviews from this analysis, but did look through each of them to ensure there were no additional studies missed
- This search turned up 35 publications
- 10 Case Reports and Case Series
- 2 Pediatric Studies
- 11 Reviews and Editorials
- 4 Prospective Cohort Trials (Robbins et al, Kaszar et al, Levine et al, and Colon et al) [9 – 12] didn’t pertain to the PICO
- 8 Trials included in this review
- Most if not all the studies were of very low quality, small, retrospective and had no placebo arms
- Results from 3 trials with placebo arms:
- Glucagon: 37/257 = 14.4% (Range: 9.4% – 37.5%)
- Placebo: 29/164 = 17.7% (Range: 10.3% – 31.6%)
- Esophageal Pathology: 94/421 = 22.3%
- N/V: 16/151 = 10.6% (Range: 0% – 12.6%)
- The Robbins et al (1994) [9] and Kaszar et al (1990) [10] trials were both excluded from this review as well. Both studies used a combination therapy of glucagon, an effervescent agent and water to relieve acute esophageal food impaction in the distal 2/3rds of the esophagus.
- The Levine et al (1995) [11] trial was excluded due to the fact it was a review of effervescent agents during barium swallows
- The Colon et al (1999) [12] trial was excluded because this was 10 normal subjects with esophageal manometry measurements while differing doses of glucagon were given.
Clinical Take Home Point: Given the weak evidence for the benefits of glucagon, the potential side effect of nausea/vomiting, and the fact that nearly 1/4th of patients will have an anatomic etiology to their obstruction, avoid the use of glucagon and consult your local gastroenterologist instead.
- Trenkner SW et al. Esophageal Food Impaction: Treatment with Glucagon. Radiology 1983; 149(2): 401 – 3. PMID: 6622682
- Berggreen PJ et al. Techniques and Complications of Esophageal Foreign Body Extraction in Children and Adults. Gastrointest Endosc 1993; 39(5): 626 – 30. PMID: 8224682
- Tibbling L et al. Effect of Spasmolytic Drugs on Esophageal Foreign Bodies. Dysphagia 1995; 10 (2): 126 -7. PMID: 7600855
- Sodeman TC et al. Assessment of the Predictors of Response to Glucagon in the Setting of Acute Esophageal Food Bolus Impaction. Dysphagia 2004; 19 (1): 18 – 21. PMID: 14745641
- Al-Haddad M et al. Glucagon for the Relief of Esophageal Food Impaction dos it Really Work? Dig Dis Sci 2006; 51 (11): 1930 – 3. PMID: 17004122
- Thimmapuram J et al. Use of Glucagon in Relieving Esophageal Food Bolus Impaction in the era of Eosinophilic Esophageal Infiltration. Dysphagia 2013; 28 (2): 212 – 6. PMID: 23203568
- Haas J et al. Glucagon Is a Safe and Inexpensive Initial Strategy in Esophageal Food bolus Impaction. Dig Dis Sci 2016; 61 (3): 841 – 5. PMID: 26500116
- Bodkin RP et al. Effectiveness of Glucagon in Relieving Esophageal Foreign Body Impaction: A Multicenter Study. Am J Emerg Med 2016; 34(6): 1049 – 52. PMID: 27038694
- Robbins MI et al. Treatment of Acute Esophageal Food Impaction with Glucagon, an Effervescent Agent, and Water. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1994; 162(2): 325 – 8. PMID: 8310919
- Kaszar-Seibert DJ et al. Treatment of Acute Esophageal Food Impaction with a combination of Glucagon, Effervescent agent, and Water. AJR AM J Roentgenol 1990; 154(3): 533 – 4. PMID: 2106216
- Levine MS. How concerned Should Radiologist be about Perforating the Esophagus by Administering an Effervescent Agent During a Barium Swallow to Treat a Foreign Body Impacted in the Distal Esophagus? AJR AM J Roentgenol 1995; 165(2): 480 – 1. PMID: 7618582
- Colon V et al. Effect of Doses of Glucagon used to Treat Food impaction on Esophageal Motor Function of Normal Subjects. Dysphagia 1999; 14(1): 27 – 30. PMID: 9828271
For More On this Topic Checkout:
- Ken Milne at The SGEM: SGEM#169 – Stuck in the Middle with Food (Glucagon for Esophageal Foreign Body Impaction)
Post Peer Reviewed By: Scott Wieters (Twitter: EMedCoach)