
Medical Category: Renal and Genitourinary

Is Contrast Induced Nephropathy (CIN) Really Not a Thing?

Background: One of the most common imaging modalities used in the emergency department (ED) today is computed tomography (CT) scans using intravenous radiocontrast agents. Use of IV contrast can help increase visualization of pathology as compared to non-contrast CTs. However, ...

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Allergy and ImmunologyRenal and Genitourinary

Urinary Retention: Rapid Drainage or Gradual Drainage to Avoid Complications?

Background: The treatment of urinary retention is pretty straightforward; place either a Foley catheter or suprapubic catheter to decompress the bladder.  What is less clear, and more often debated, is if we need to clamp the catheter after 200 – ...

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Renal and Genitourinary

The AMACING Trial: Prehydration to Prevent Contrast Induced Nephropathy (CIN)?

Background: In patients with compromised renal function, the use of intravascular iodinated contrast material is generally not given to avoid contrast induced nephropathy (CIN). Currently, there is no treatment for contrast-induced nephropathy, therefore the focus has been on prevention. Guidelines ...

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Allergy and ImmunologyRenal and Genitourinary

Contrast Induced Nephropathy (CIN): Fact or Myth?

Background: Use of contrast media in CT scans has been cited as one of the most common causes of iatrogenic acute kidney injury.  Its use however improves the diagnostic accuracy of CT scans.  Some studies have even reported an incidence ...

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Allergy and ImmunologyRenal and Genitourinary

Alpha Blockers in Renal Colic: A Systematic Review

Background: Ureteric (renal) colic is a common, painful condition encountered in the Emergency Department (ED). Sustained contraction of smooth muscle in the ureter as a kidney stone passes the length of the ureter leads to pain. The majority of stones ...

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Renal and Genitourinary
