

Balancing Innovation and Reality: Evaluating AI’s Role in STEMI Diagnosis

Background: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a critical condition requiring rapid diagnosis and intervention. While ECGs play a central role in detecting STEMI, misinterpretations often occur, leading to unnecessary catheterization or missed diagnoses. With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), ...

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A Winning Hand in Cardiology: Queen of Hearts AI Model Enhances OMI Detection

Background: Cath lab activation based on ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) criteria is founded on aging data and requires evolution. In the “Occlusive Myocardial Infarction (OMI) Manifesto,” emergency physicians Dr. Steve Smith, Dr. Pendell Meyers, and Dr. Scott Weingart introduced a ...

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DanGer Shock Trial: Microaxial Flow Pump or Standard Care in Infarct-Related Cardiogenic Shock

Background: STEMI can be complicated by cardiogenic shock and this complication is associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate. Decreased cardiac output  results in inadequate perfusion and subsequent end-organ damage. Mechanical circulatory support can improve perfusion and, in theory, ...

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STREAM-2: Half-Dose Tenecteplase vs Primary PCI in Older Patients with STEMI?

Background: Primary PCI is the recommended reperfusion strategy in patients with STEMI and should be initiated within 2 hours after first medical contact.  In non-PCI-capable hospitals this goal is not always achievable due to delays in transfer.  In these cases, ...

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REBEL Cast Ep114: High Flow O2, Suspected ACS, and Mortality?

Background: Historically, we have treated acute coronary syndrome with supplemental oxygen regardless of the patient’s oxygen saturation.  This intervention was based on the belief that pushing the patient’s PaO2 to supra therapeutic levels would increase O2 delivery to ischemic myocardium ...

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