Adrenal crisis is a life-threatening emergency due to an acute deficiency of adrenocortical hormones, namely cortisol and aldosterone, which can be fatal if not diagnosed early and treated aggressively. Classically it presents as severe hypotension refractory to IV fluids and vasopressors.
Adrenal glands produce mineralocorticoids (aldosterone), glucocorticoids (cortisol) and androgens in the outer cortex. Catecholamines are produced in inner medullary zone. Classified as primary or secondary in etiology, but both types can lead to adrenal crisis.
Stress dose hydrocortisone has mineralocorticoid activity (20mg = 0.1mg Florinef)
Continued dosing: Hydrocortisone 25mg Q6h
Consider dexamethasone 4mg IV if no known diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency (does not interfere with ACTH stimulation test likely to be performed by inpatient team)
Even if residual adrenal fx, hydrocortisone dose the same, IVF requirements may just be lower
Less acute illness may consider 50-100 mg hydrocortisone IM q6h
Treat severe hyperglycemia with 1-2 gm/kg of D50
Consider infusion of D5NS for continued hypoglycemia
Check FS glucose Q1-2 hours to ensure improving hypoglycemia
IVF bolus of 30 cc/kg
Consider using D5NS for resuscitation if the patient has concomitant hypoglycemia
Blood/urine cultures, antibiotics if infection suspected
Improvement in BP and clinical picture should occur within 1 hour of 1st dose hydrocortisone
If Na >130 consider change to D5 ½ NS to avoid rapid rise Na
If Na <130 and rate of rise slow, continue D5 NS
Usually normalized w/ fluids and steroid replacement
Monitor K Q2-3 hours as may fall during initial rehydration
Triple PO steroids if known susceptibility to crisis in setting of physiologic stressors (i.e. influenza, fractures, trauma, surgery, sepsis, myocardial infarction, ischemia, etc.)
Consider empiric steroids if hx adrenal insufficiency and vomiting/diarrhea, even if otherwise well appearing
Consider admission in known diagnosis if not able to tolerate PO steroids, needs ongoing parenteral steroids
Adrenal insufficiency is a life-threatening emergency; recognize early and treat aggressively
Hallmark is hypotension refractory to IVF/pressors
Suspect in patients with unexplained hypotension and risk factors
Prior glucocorticoid therapy
History of autoimmune diseases
AIDS or TB history
Treat empirically with hydrocortisone 100mg IV and search for precipitating causes
Less than 50% will present with formal diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency
Allolio B. Extensive expertise in endocrinology. Adrenal crisis. Eur J Endocrinol. 2015; 172(3): 115-124. PMID: 25288693.
Arlt W, Allolio B. Adrenal insufficiency. Lancet. 2003 May 31;361(9372):1881-93. PMID: 12788587.
Tintinalli JE et al. Adrenal insufficiency and adrenal crisis. Tintinalli’s Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide. 2011; 7.
Torrey, SP. Recognition and management of adrenal emergencies. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2005 Aug;23(3):687-702. PMID: 15982541.
Tucci V, Sokari T. The clinical manifestations, diagnosis, and treatment of adrenal emergencies. Emerg Med Clin North Am. 2014; 32(2): 465-484. PMID: 24766944.